Photos of the Region of Caesarea Phillipi


The yellow circle indicates ruins of city center.

The yellow line indicates the location the northern edge of the city.

A view of Mt. Hermon from the western ridge of the upper Jordan Valley

Click on the small photos to see larger photos.

Jesus was reported to have gone north from the area of Lake Tiberias after feeding the 4,000. The road north was through the upper Jordan Valley towards one of the sources of the Jordan River at Caesarea Philippi (Panias). Caesarea Philippi was the capitol city of Herod Phillip, the brother of Herod, who stole Phillip's wife. Jesus preached in the area of the villages near Caesarea Philippi. Caesarea Philippi was near the base of Mt. Hermon. By some theories Jesus ascended Mt. Hermon and his clothes appeared to shine whiter than any bleach could make them. After coming down from the mountain Jesus was met by a man with a son suffering a disorder similar to epilepsy. Jesus healed the boy. At Caesarea Philippi Jesus foretold the end of his own life.